Monday, June 19, 2017

Twitter Tips

Update and tips

Tips and etiquette that if you follow just might help on Twitter

I'm wasting time on Reddit/Self-publish and for what has to be the tenth time I see someone ask what's the deal with Twitter. It didn't work for them, should they keep trying, do they really need it? Every single time I know all the ways they have dropped a pretty important ball. So I'm just going to say, yes-Twitter is important and it's FREE and learn how to use it. 

1. DO NOT tweet your book over and over on the hour every hour. If I have shrugged and followed you, I will unfollow you. A few (2-3)times a day, MAX. 

 2. Retweet other people for fucks sake. This is not that hard, and don't tweet them musing on the peanut butter sandwich they're making. If they are posting a giveaway or something about their book retweet that, think of it this way, would you rather have someone retweet you bitching about traffic or the one of two times you'll tweet about your book today? It's so fucking not rocket science. 

3. Sure, tweet about traffic or your musings on Kim K.-if you must- but try and keep it as professional as you would say at work. It's okay if you joke with a coworker about the Biebs but you don't share every little thought-unless it's so damned witty you just can't help yourself, fine. Be your authentic self but there's ways you can do that without letting it all hang out. And as this about attracting and connecting with readers, really all of the noise in your head doesn't need to be shared with one and all on Twitter.

4. If this is your twitter for your writing don't do the politics, religion thing-just don't. I have unfollowed people who have gone there and I don't agree with. Yes, you have the right to your beliefs and I have the right to not hear about them by unfollowing you. 

5. Say thank you for the retweet, it's polite but if you ever want me to retweet you again-return the favor and don't tweet me bitching about my hair. Again, you know which tweet you want others to read, if I tweeted your promo check me out and retweet my book or promo. It'll take you three minutes tops and I just might tweet you again. 

6. Even better, say thank you to people who tweet you in #FF which notes people who are cool and retweet and people might want to follow them.

7. This a slippery thing for me and I admit I feel bad that I don't. People out there thank their followers but I don't because I have had to unfollow so many people that I don't auto follow back and it seems more rude to thank someone for following when I know I'm not going to follow them. If you are another erotica or romance writer then sure, I'll usually follow. If it's a blogger or someone who's bio says they like to read then I'll follow. But I'm not following the book quote peoples-my feed is full enough so I'm not going to follow. Also, those people who never ever retweet and are only following me because I retweet-nope not following you or tweeting your ass, it's called karma. 

8. Follow the writers in your genre, if you're writing science fiction do not follow and retweet erotica authors, this is the oddest thing I've seen happen. This might explain why no one is paying attention to your tweets. 

9. Follow bloggers, this will help you see what other writers in your genre are doing and what does and doesn't appeal to you. Tweet them as well, if there comes a time when you would like to ask them to host a spotlight or giveaway this will go a long way. 

10. Think of Twitter as a big party, if all you do is talk to about yourself and don't let others be heard your circle will grow smaller and smaller. If you're off in the corner not talking to anyone or even trying then you're not going to have a good time. 

Why I am not following or retweeting you back on Twitter

Interesting how I went batshit crazy while writing and editing for a week and barely opened Twitter only to find I'd gained several new followers. Because I know how important Twitter is and an important tool I did still do my best to retweet people who were kind of enough to retweet me because that's what I do. If a fellow writer retweets me I will retweet them (BTW pinned posts are great if you want people to retweet you easily) any way I do this because it's the right thing to do HOWEVER if I don't here's why.

Yes I tag my stuff EARTG for erotica which yes basically porn for most people, lots of shorts and reading one handed. Yet for me my writing is erotic romance, for me I have to be able to take away all the sex scenes and there still has to be a solid, heartfelt story or I don't write. That's the difference that I seem to be having a problem with on some people who follow or retweet me. I get it, it's hard and you want to do something to set yourself apart from others and do what you can to catch people's attention. But if you are tweeting pictures where tits and underbits are hanging out then no, I will not retweet you. If you are tweeting your cover or pictures with writing that talk about a pussy or cock or fucking then no I will not retweet you. There's a difference between sex and sexy and that line isn't the same for everyone, for me I don't think it's that hard to tell. But hey that's just me.

I've included this in another post but maybe you haven't read it, fine. If you only tweet about yourself or your books or quotes then NO I will not follow you back because all you want is for me to retweet your stuff without you returning the favor. This isn't rocket science, it's pretty basic if you want followers and you want people to tweet you then tweet them back and if someone has been kind enough to tweet you and follow you then return the favor. 

Friday, June 2, 2017

Ahh...the mansplaining to a writer

I don't usually do this but it pissed off me off enough so what the fuck, here is the copy and paste from the exchange. 
First of all this is a retweet group where you post your tweet and others retweet-how it's supposed to go really but people don't always get it. All I want/need is your retweet the way I did for yours, no comment wanted or desired.
But it struck me that first day and has been bugging me ever since  (hence me being on meds) at first it was, he's an idiot let it go. But also it was just as I said, women need other women-not men-writing romance for all women of different shaped and sizes. When you go into the clothing stores they are kind enough not to use short and fat they use petite-which means the exact same thing. And for a fucking man to think he needs to explain to me what petite means.....FUCK YOU. 
That this fucking moron states he writes erotic romance is quite frankly scary that he is plotting and putting words in a woman's mouth and that any woman is to believe it. If men want to write one handed shorts go for it but for romance, you have to understand a woman, care about women, what they think, feel, believe and the why behind all of that. 
Can some men do that? Maybe if like Wally Lamb you were stuck in a woman's prison for hours on end day after day and truly feel empathy for a woman then sure. 

And that is the problem so few men feel empathy period let alone for what a woman goes, through on a daily basis, the constant chipping away of self-esteem that happens just standing in the grocery store line at all the svelte, sexy, photoshopped women as they already spending a half hour to an hour just buying groceries, maybe the cookies that after looking at the photoshopped woman they either put back or end up eating two more than they really want because damn it the woman was photoshopped not real. 

Or the way they have to be mom, dad, teacher, house cleaner, driving, best friend, care taker when they just want some alone time and so they use that by climbing into a book where the woman isn't perfect, the man is hot and although love doesn't go smoothly it still goes. 

And that's why  I write. 

May 8 at 1:40am
Ian Smith Teeny bit bemused trying to imagine a petite BBW 
Fiona Aina Murphy and its men saying things like that that are the reason women need women writers to write bbw
Ian Smith You mean a short bbw? Petite normally means small in every sense.
Fiona Aina Murphy petite means short period
Ian Smith Misunderstood. To me "Petite" means small and slender.
Fiona Aina Murphy Petite. For women 5' 3" and under

ReplyMay 8 at 11:58pm
Fiona Aina Murphy and again that's why women need bbw books and women writers who actually understand women period